*Bigg Boss 18* premiered on October 6, 2024, with a star-studded lineup of contestants from various fields, including actors, influencers, politicians, and entrepreneurs. The season, hosted by Salman Khan, introduced the “Time Ka Tandav” theme, adding a thrilling twist to the game with mind-bending twists and a focus on controlling time. Contestants like Vivian Dsena, Shilpa Shirodkar, and Alice Kaushik brought their own flavors to the house, while wildcard entries like Kashish Kapoor and Digvijay Singh Rathee intensified the competition.
One of the key features this season is the introduction of a new “Time” activity room, which allows contestants to reflect on past decisions or predict future moves. The season has already seen high drama with shocking twists and challenges, and with Salman Khan’s signature hosting, it promises plenty of emotional and strategic gameplay.
The contestants come from diverse backgrounds, with personalities like Rajat Dalal, a fitness influencer involved in some controversies, and political figure Tajinder Singh Bagga making their mark. The game has featured intense moments, including jail punishments, and strategic alliances have kept viewers on edge.
For more details on the contestants, twists, and ongoing drama, you can follow the official updates on *Bigg Boss*’s website and streaming platforms.