In the latest updates from Bigg Boss 18, tensions in the house have been escalating, particularly between contestants Avinash Mishra and Karan Veer Mehra. During a heated argument, Avinash criticized Karan Veer’s career, accusing him of not achieving enough despite his time in the industry. This personal attack led to a fiery exchange, further polarizing the house as contestants took sides.
Avinash’s confrontational behavior not only sparked debates among the housemates but also left fans divided, with some supporting Avinash’s outspokenness and others siding with Karan Veer. The incident followed Avinash’s earlier disagreements with other contestants, amplifying the tension in the house
The drama is expected to influence the dynamics of nominations and tasks, as housemates navigate their alliances amidst such explosive confrontations. For more details on the unfolding drama, stay tuned to the show’s episodes or live updates on entertainment portals.